How To Care For and Unbox a Curly, Wavy Wig

How To Unbox A Curly Wig

Did you just receive a curly wig with some crazy box hair and now you wonder what can I do with this? Many times if a curly wig has been boxed for a length of time it needs a little TLC. Here are a few top tips to help you know what to do next.

First things first, curly wigs need a good shake to wake the fibers up. Take a moment before shaking the wig to decide if you do in fact want to keep the style and if it is a yes, then give it a good shake!  

Side Note: The volume of a style will be determined by the amount of permatease and the type of curl pattern. Aside from these factors shaking the wig will begin to restore the style to its intended form.

Next thing to do is comb through the style with your fingers or a wide tooth comb. Piecing out the curls will also help the style to start forming a more natural look.

Now, this is where it gets real interesting. If you find you need to take things a little further to reach your desired look then your BEST friend with a curly or wavy style is…. water. Yes, we said it, the original one-and-only, H2O. Grab a spray bottle, fill it with some water, and start spritzing your wig all over, give it a few shakes, then hang upside down to air dry. If the style is excessively unruly, use more water. If you just want to slightly define the curls, use less water.

Water Spray Bottle

Drying the style should only take about 30-40 minutes. Piece out and move the curls around to your preferred look.

Watch Denise's review to see these steps in action: How To Unbox a Curly Wig

Styles shown in the video: Ellen Wille Girl Mono in Pearl Blonde Rooted and Safran Red Rooted.

Quick Care Tips for Curly/Wavy Wigs

Curly hair never goes out of style. Part of the reason for this timelessness is the minimal maintenance needed for synthetic curly wigs.

After using a couple of the how-to tips on caring for your curly wig, soon you will be donning the perfect curls.

 Girl Mono by Ellen Wille Side of Curly Wig - Ellen Wille Girl Mono, Bob

( Above: Ellen Wille Girl Mono in Pearl Blonde Rooted)

Wash your curly wig regularly. Some people prefer to place the hairnet on their curly wig when washing to avoid weighing down and separating the curls. Generally a wig should be washed after around 8-10 wears, although this can vary per person.

Prioritize deep conditioning treatment when washing. Use a leave in conditioner after you’ve had the wig for a while.

Take a little time to reshape the curls after washing by using your fingers. Try twisting curls in the opposite direction if you notice that your curls are not bouncing back properly.

Regular combs and hairbrushes will ruin the wig curls and can leave your style looking frizzy. Wide tooth combs are the best to use on curly hair styles!


Top 5 Curl Patterns

Loose Wave - "Undone Texture"

Separate the hair into larger sections when styling.

 Alluring by Toni Brattin Petite Berlin by Estetica Wigs

(Alluring in Light Blonde by Toni Brattin | Petite Berlin in RTH6/28 by Estetica)

Beach Waves

High Octane by Raquel Welch Soft and Subtle by Gabor

(High Octane in RL14/25SS by Raquel Welch Soft and Subtle in GL14-16SS by Gabor)

Traditional Curls

Finn by Estetica

(Finn in Vanilla Macchiato by Estetica)

Naturally Curly Texture

Estetica Avalon Curly Wig Breezy Wave Cut by Hairdo

(Avalon in SMOKYROSE by Estetica | Breezy Wave Cut in Midnight Brown by Hairdo)

Tight Curls

Separate the hair into smaller sections when styling.

Jessica by Estetica Curl Appeal by Gabor

(Jessica in R36F by Estetica | Curl Appeal in Hazelnut by Gabor)  


Final Thoughts

To recap: H2O is your bestie when it comes to curls, take time to shape a few highlight curls after washing, and lastly find a curl pattern you love. We are here to serve and help anyone who reaches out, contact info below. Thanks for reading and feel free to SHARE with a friend you know would love this! 

-NBW Fam

Social: @namebrandwigs #namebrandwigs


Phone: 320-685-7100